Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Soal dan Jawaban Test Glints Academy Career Exploration

Berikut beberapa contoh soal dasar tentang HTML dan CSS yang mungkin anda temui di Glints Career Exploration. Semoga Bermanfaat.

Jawaban saya bold(tebalkan)

Which of these options will create the biggest "Hello world"?

<h1>Hello world</h1>

Which option will you use to change the color of the text in class "biru"?

 #biru { color: "biru"; }
 .biru { color: yellow; }
 .biru { text-color: blue; }
 #biru { color-text: green; }
 .biru { color: "violet"; }

Which of this HTML element can help you to start in a new line?


Which HTML tag can you use to make a text bold?


Which of the options below is not a valid unit of a font size?


What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?

<"link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css"">

Which property is used to change the background color?


How do you display hyperlinks without an underline?

 a { font-style: noline ; }
 a { text-style: none ; }
 a { text-style: noline ; }
 a { text-decoration: none ; }

Which property is used to change the font of an element?


What is the most efficient way to give margin top and bottom to an id of country?

 #country { margin: 5rem 5rem; }
 #country { margin: 5rem 0; }
 #country { margin: 0 5rem; }
 #country { margin: 5rem 0 5rem 0;}

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Soal dan Jawaban Test Glints Academy Career Exploration

Berikut beberapa contoh soal dasar tentang HTML dan CSS yang mungkin anda temui di Glints Career Exploration. Semoga Bermanfaat. Jawaba...